Author Archives: Jay Butchko
Employee Rights Regarding Personnel Files
Florida is not known for having comprehensive and beneficial labor laws. In fact, Florida laws fail to give many employees certain rights that are bestowed in many other states. Specifically, many employees in Florida do not even have the right to review their own personnel file. Personnel files can contain a wide array of… Read More »
New Federal Overtime Guidelines
One of the most common violations of federal and state wage laws in Florida involves denial of adequate overtime payments. Overtime violations can happen in many different ways, including miscalculating the hours an employee worked, misclassifying an employee as exempt from overtime requirements, and more. Whether an overtime violation was intentional or accidental, any… Read More »
Bathroom Rights of Transgender Employees
Discrimination can come in many forms and can be based on race, age, religion, and many other factors. In many parts of the country, discrimination has recently increased due to gender identity and, specifically, much attention has been focused in recent months on where people who identify as transgender should use the bathroom. Transgender… Read More »
Labor Law Violations Come in Many Forms
Employees in Florida are protected by labor laws that ensure payment of proper wages and other fair treatment in the workplace. Specifically, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets out wage and hour guidelines with which companies must comply. Too often, however, violations of FLSA occur and employees unfairly lose money despite their hard… Read More »
Can Retaliation Happen 13 Years Later?
In addition to making it unlawful to discriminate against employees based on factors such as sex, race, religion, age, or disability, both federal law and the Florida Civil Rights Act prohibit retaliation against any employee who complains about discriminatory actions. Retaliation occurs when an employer takes any kind of adverse employment action against someone,… Read More »
Employment Rights Of Military Members
Employment laws protect the rights of many different groups of individuals based on race, gender, age, disability, religion, and many other factors to work free from discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and wrongful termination. Another group of individuals that has specific employment rights under federal law is members of the United States Military and Reserves. Military… Read More »
Is Pregnancy Discrimination Increasing At Work?
Decades ago, many employers were hesitant to hire or employ women of a certain age out of concern that they may get pregnant and leave the position to stay at home and raise children. Even if a new mother opted to keep working, employers often believed their focus would be elsewhere or that they… Read More »
U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Files Wage Discrimination Claim
In the summer of 2015, the U.S. watched as the Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT) won the World Cup, largely considered the most significant international soccer tournament. U.S. soccer fans then looked forward to seeing this team of impressively talented athletes again defeat the world in the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, as the USWNT… Read More »
Discrimination In The Tech Industry: Is There An App For That?
Employment discrimination based on gender, race, and other protected factors can exist in any industry, however, certain industries tend to favor certain types of employees. Whether that favor is intentional or not, it can often lead to unlawful discrimination or harassment against certain demographics in the workplace. The tech industry has traditionally been dominated… Read More »
What Happens If Your Employer Stops Paying You?
In many businesses, payroll is completed through an automated and generally reliable system. Employees can enter their hours online and the information is transferred to a program that automatically calculates the amount of their paycheck based on their rate of pay and hours or overtime worked. The correct pay may then be direct deposited… Read More »