Category Archives: Department of Labor
DOL Changes May Provide Overtime Payments for Many Florida Employees
In addition to a minimum hourly wage, employers are required to pay employees time-and-a-half of their regular wage for all overtime hours worked. Overtime regulations are complicated, however, as the law provides many exemptions from the overtime requirement. Some employers take advantage of these exemptions or misinterpret them in order to avoid paying deserving… Read More »

Keeping track of wages: The US Labor Department has an app for that!
The following is a May 9, 2011 news release from the Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. I think this is a great tool for all employees who may have pay issues with their employers. Whether you use this “app” or any other system to document your hours, it’s always a good idea… Read More »
Recent trends in overtime litigation
The housing industry is upside down. There have been so many homes built by the builders that it has resulted in real estate values tumbling. This has resulted in the mortgage companies losing a lot of business as well. Look at the Countrywide debacle. Countrywide was recently purchased (bailed out) by Bank of America. Countrywide and many other mortgage companies sold a lot of sub prime mortgages with adjustable rates and 3 or 5 year balloon payments. We are now seeing the effect of this with the foreclosure industry booming.
Florida Department of Labor
Where’s the Florida Department of Labor? How can you get in touch with the labor board in Florida? Search all you want, and you’re not going to find it. Go ahead, Google it and see what you find. The real reason is that there is no Florida Department of Labor or Florida Labor Board. There is, however, the Federal Department of Labor (DOL), which has several offices in Florida. But you won’t have any luck getting the Department of Labor to help you with anything but federal (Fair Labor Standards Act) wage violations for unpaid overtime and unpaid minimum wages.