Tag Archives: Florida Labor Lawyers

2017: Important Changes in Florida’s Workplaces
Many changes are set to take place in Florida workplaces in 2017. For example, in November, Florida voters legalized the use of medical marijuana for those suffering from specific conditions—such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, etc. In addition, Florida also increased its minimum wage, up to $8.10 as of January 1st. It is… Read More »
Common Industries With Wage Violations
Violations of federal or Florida labor laws can happen in any industry and in any size company. From large corporations to small businesses, wage and hour violations occur, whether they are due to errors or intentional wrongdoing. However, there are certain industries that have wage issues and complaints more often than others due to… Read More »
Challenges To The New Overtime Rules
We have previously posted about the new federal overtime guidelines set to go into effect on December 1, 2016. While millions of workers throughout the United States have been anxiously awaiting new overtime rights, many employers, legislators, and employer advocacy groups have been aggressively trying to fight the new overtime rules in any way… Read More »