Tag Archives: Florida Wage And Hour Attorney

Important Florida Case Involving the H-2A Visa Program Decided
Earlier this month (in May), an important case was decided by a Florida federal district judge. The judge found that a citrus company sued by a class of workers who claimed that they were not paid the proper wages under the H–2A visa program was in fact a (liable) joint employer (along with the… Read More »
How Employers Should React to the Zika Virus
Many headlines in recent months have been about a virus called Zika reaching the United States. Zika is widely associated with traveling to certain tropical regions of the world, but now cases have regularly been showing up in U.S. hospitals. This also means that people with Zika may be present in our workplaces and… Read More »
What Happens If Your Employer Stops Paying You?
In many businesses, payroll is completed through an automated and generally reliable system. Employees can enter their hours online and the information is transferred to a program that automatically calculates the amount of their paycheck based on their rate of pay and hours or overtime worked. The correct pay may then be direct deposited… Read More »
Fair Pay for Cheerleaders Discussed Across the U.S.
Cheerleaders on the sidelines and dancing at halftime are an integral part of the professional football and basketball experience. The squads of cheerleaders have strict schedules for rehearsals, learn multiple routines, perform at numerous games throughout the season, attend charity and promotional events, and adhere to strict guidelines for their appearance. Despite all of… Read More »