Tag Archives: Florida Wage And Hour Lawyers

When Are Volunteers Entitled to Wages?
People volunteer their time for many different reasons. Volunteering for a charitable organization provides opportunities to help the less fortunate. Young people might volunteer for VISTA or accept a student internship to gain work experience and build a more impressive résumé. Retirees sometimes volunteer as a way of staying active and avoiding boredom. Yet… Read More »

Wage Law Protections for Florida Employees Who Earn Commissions or Tips
Most employees must be paid overtime and nearly all must be paid minimum wage. However, Florida employers sometimes deny the full protection of those laws to employees who earn commissions or tips as part of their compensation. Florida wage and hour lawyers are aware that many employers misapply the law to deprive employees of… Read More »

Class Action Status Granted To Thousands of Detainees Forced To Work for No Pay
Recently a federal judge allowed the lawsuit filed by tens of thousands of immigrants alleging that they were forced to work in violation of federal anti-slavery laws to reach class-action status. This lawsuit—which now involves as many of 60,000 detained immigrants—marks the first class-action lawsuit accusing a U.S. prison (government contractor) of forced labor… Read More »
Common Industries With Wage Violations
Violations of federal or Florida labor laws can happen in any industry and in any size company. From large corporations to small businesses, wage and hour violations occur, whether they are due to errors or intentional wrongdoing. However, there are certain industries that have wage issues and complaints more often than others due to… Read More »
U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Files Wage Discrimination Claim
In the summer of 2015, the U.S. watched as the Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT) won the World Cup, largely considered the most significant international soccer tournament. U.S. soccer fans then looked forward to seeing this team of impressively talented athletes again defeat the world in the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, as the USWNT… Read More »
Do You Have Joint Employers?
As many business models and employment arrangements become more flexible to suit both the needs of owners and employees, chances may increase of wage or overtime violations. Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a memorandum specifically addressing “joint employment” arrangements in the wage and hour context in an attempt to increase protections… Read More »
DOL Changes May Provide Overtime Payments for Many Florida Employees
In addition to a minimum hourly wage, employers are required to pay employees time-and-a-half of their regular wage for all overtime hours worked. Overtime regulations are complicated, however, as the law provides many exemptions from the overtime requirement. Some employers take advantage of these exemptions or misinterpret them in order to avoid paying deserving… Read More »
Executive Order for Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors
New employment laws are passed on a regular basis in the United States. In July, a law in California went into effect that mandated accrual of paid sick time for all qualified employees. Often, hourly or part-time employees are not eligible for benefits such as paid time off for illness, however, California’ new law… Read More »