Tag Archives: Plantation Labor and Employment Lawyers

National Labor Relations Board Sides with Employees on Email Use
Recently, the National Labor Relations Board (Board) established a new standard with regards to employee use of email in its consideration of the Purple Communications, Inc. case. Specifically, the Board affirmed that if employers provide employees with access to their email, the employee’s use of that email for statutorily protected communications (on nonworking time)… Read More »

Labor Law Changes Coming With New Administration
Many employers and employees are wondering what’s on the horizon for labor law with the new administration. While we’ve previously discussed how the administration might affect the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and several pro-labor rules issued during the last few years, there are other relevant appointments and changes that will have a tremendous… Read More »
Workers Sue for Not Being Classified As Official Employees
A lawsuit filed against Amazon.com on October 4th marks the latest case filed against companies for allegedly violating federal labor laws by classifying them as contractors rather than employees, arguably so that the companies can avoid paying overtime compensation for various work-related expenses. This is likely an issue we will see come to the… Read More »
New Study Highlights Disturbing Weight Discrimination in the Workplace
A recently-released study by the University of Strathclyde and published in PLOS One reveals that women face severe weight-based prejudice in the workplace, even when their body mass index (BMI) is within what is considered to be the “healthy” range. This inherent employment discrimination reveals that, in particular, when it comes to industries in… Read More »
Florida Labor Complaint Moves Forward
In September, the Public Employees Relation Commission (PERC) ruled that a complaint filed by Gulf District School officials via the Gulf County Education Association (GCEA) alleging unfair labor practices can move forward. Specifically, PERC found that there was enough evidence such that a factual decision could be made to address whether or not there… Read More »
Protections For Employees Struggling With Addiction
Many different federal and state laws protect individuals from discrimination in the workplace based on a variety of factors. Specifically, the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Florida Civil Rights Act prohibit employment discrimination against anyone based on an actual or assumed physical or mental disability. This means that if a person can perform… Read More »